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 Hi I am Wendy Schmidt a farmers wife that works on the land aswell. We reside in rural Levin, lower North Island, New Zealand. 

I have and breed and train my own dogs and I like to sheep dog trial. I have a few hobbies which includes making collars and sticks and will just about have a go at anything. I love working with wood and also make clocks and beromiters.

Collars are made from a pollyproperlene which is light and very strong. It dosn't swell when wet and does not go hard in mud, it stays very flexible all the time. Wears very well and if a dog does chew the end, just cut it off an seal it by burning the edge. I have got them made in red, blue, green, yellow and black. All collars are the same price unless you are buying 5 or more, one free with every 5 just let me know the length.

These are of my own design. I have just about lost dogs in the past from slip chains and now refuse to use them, however I have a Heading bitch that will get an ordinary collar off no matter how tight you put it on ,so the reason for making this collar, safety not choke, it can only slip so far, enough to stop the dog from getting it off and has good release when it stops pulling.


These are Dog trial sticks not walking sticks, although some of the harder woods could be used as such, I do not recomend it. The wood is off a verioty of trees, to name a few: larncewood, whiteywood, pear, cherry, birch, these are cleaned up with either a natural handle or I will put deer antler on, then pollyurithane to seal.  I Usually put some paua on the handles aswell.

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